We offer 11 Hut-to-Hut hikes
Our hut-to-hikes or "hut hikes" refer to a style of traveling on foot to a new location each night, staying in hotels, small inns and mountain lodges also referred to as huts.
Depending on the country, mountain huts are referred to as refuges, rifugios, cabanes or huttes. These are generally simple, remote accommodations having a common dining room, shared bunk rooms, and shared washing and bathroom facilities. Some may offer private rooms as well. All provide meals and snack foods and serve beer, wine, and other beverages. Each hut has its individual character and rustic charm. Each conveys an atmosphere of camaraderie and congeniality.
Our hut-to-hut trips are generally along classic long-distance routes, include a mix of accommodations with some, but not all nights in mountain huts, and can be entirely or partially in remote areas.
For decades, huts have provided hikers and climbers safe and relatively comfortable accommodations amid serenely beautiful mountain landscapes and environments. They are a unique and integral part of the European alpine culture and essential to an authentic European hiking experience.
France, Italy, Switzerland
Hike a more sustainable, authentic Tour du Mont Blanc
moreFrance, Italy, Switzerland
Hike the world's premier hut-to-hut route self-guided
Hike Italy's premier long-distance route through the Dolomites
moreFrance, Switzerland
The Walker's Haute Route - Mont Blanc to the Matterhorn
A hiking trip through Iceland's volcanic and mystic landscapes